Artist Booth • Rotterdam Tattoo Convention 2025


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NOTE !! We can’t accept any bookings for piercing stands , We are allowed to have 1 piercing studio. And that spot is already full.

Welcome to the Rotterdam Tattoo Convention 2025 🔥

Before reserving your booth please make sure to read the below info:

Every booth registration is subject to approval (within 48 hours).

The booth size is the same for both single and double artist (3 x 2.5m).

A Single artist booth has 1 weekend artist wristband and a double artist booth has 2 weekend artist wristbands.

NOTE!! Assistents or clients need to buy their wristband


Openings hours are: Saturday 11.00-21.00hrs and Sunday 10.00-20.00hrs.

Please do not close the booth until closing time.

Note: we do not have a tattoo finishing room available on both days @ the facility so keep this in mind when you start……

On this event:

  • We do not work on people under the age of 17 years.
  • There will be no drinking or eating in the tattoo-booth during work in progress.
  • We only work with disposables or otherwise, only by exclusive permission from the organisation.

(Our health department will visit the event to check everything!)

  • We always use the ‘permission form’ (provided by the organisation or you can get them at the INFO desk). This must be signed by your customer before you start working. So that people are aware of any risks they may take and that they should not be under any influence from drugs or alcohol.

NOTE!! You need to USE THESE FORMS!!

  • We also provide a form which says how to take care of the tattoo after you are finished.
  • Keep your working area clean as possible at all time…..
  • Smoking is prohibited anywhere within the facility. There are smoking areas outside!!
  • Booths are not rufundable and only replaceable to other shows.

Needle Container/Box & garbage handling:

  • We’ll provide you a needle container, use it with care. Please drop your garbage into the containers before you leave the convention at the end of the day…..or put your garbage in front of your booth at the end of each day!!


  • To sign up for the contest can be done daily between 17.00 hrs and 18.00 hrs at the info desk.
  • Contest starts at 19.30 hrs on Sautrday and 18:30 hrs on Sunday.

Copy machine/Thermal Copy machine:

  • At the INFO desk you can find these machines provided by the organisation.

For rent at the INFO desk:

Massage table:                 € 100,00 DEPOSIT and  €50,- rent per day.

If you have any questions just ask at the INFO desk. 

That’s all folks! Have a Weekend!!


Additional information

Choose Booth Type

Single Artist Booth (3×2,5), Single Artist Booth (Corner) (3×2,5), 2 Artist Booth (3×2,5), 2 Artist Booth (Corner) (3×2,5)


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